BLJ: Training in Emotional Intelligence

Learn the 26 skills that research has said positively impacts your work, your health, and your relationships with others and yourself.
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Using the eq skill of Awareness

Thank you, Sue. (What small words those are for what you’ve helped me see!) Using your advice, I have an “ugly journal” I carry around with me. I use it to take captive negative thoughts, and with the Lord’s help, I work to turn the negative thoughts around to that which is true and beautiful.

And, I am on the lookout for the devil using busyness, lack of quick change, and doubts about the efficacy of this work. When I can identify these attacks, I know to dig in my heals and fight back.
Jenny Lichte
Director of Children's Ministries

BLJ: Training in Emotional Intelligence

The Training in Emotional Intelligence 24-month subscription includes 24 modules covering 26 EQ skills with monthly online group coaching.
Meet the instructor

Sue Hurst

As a coach, I’ve been privileged to work with amazing people: ministry leaders, educators, entrepreneurs, creatives, and other coaches.

Before coaching, I was in ministry; before ministry, I owned a destination gift store. In each case, my goal has been to serve.

Coaching and courses are tools to bring my clients clarity to see their strengths, to release their blind spots. That brings joy and freedom. 

Patrick Jones - Course author

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